Saturday, January 22, 2022

New England Colonists 1600-1700 Holgave/Halgave-Howlett


A 1760 engraving of a fire "engine" at work

Holgave, Halgrave

John was a freeman at Salem, MA in 1633 and by 1640 is found to be living in Gloucester, MA in 1640.

Joshua also lived in Salem in 1636.


Christopher was in Boston in 1652.

John was an inhabitant of Dorchester, MA in 1636.

Thomas was a resident of Yarmouth, MA in 1641.


Angel was a shoemaker at Boston in 1636 before removing to Weymouth soon after.

George was a mariner at Boston in 1664.

Holley, Holly

John was born in 1618 at England and lived at Stamford, Conn. in 1642.

Joseph was in Dorchester, Mass. in 1634, Weymouth in 1639 and Sandwich, MA by 1643.

Samuel resided at Cambridge, MA in 1636.


Walter is found in Springfield, Ma in 1673.


Richard was at Boston in 1639.


Richard was a fisherman in Boston in 1674.


Richard was born in England in 1595 and is found in Salem as a shipwright in 1635.


John was born in England  in 1612 at Weymouth, England before settling at Weymouth, Ma by 1642. He is then found at Wethersfield, Conn. in 1644.

Holloway, Holway

Henry was at Dover, N.H. in 1662.

John was born in England in 1614 and came from London to Boston by 1636. He left no issue.

Joseph was in Lynn, MA in 1636 and Sandwich, MA by years end.

Malachi was a resident of Taunton, MA in 1668.

Samuel was living at Taunton, MA in 1666.

Timothy was at Taunton also from 1643-1659.

William was another  Holloway at Taunton in 1650.

Battle of Lexington engraving

Holman, Homan, Hollman

Edward is found at Plymouth in 1623 the went back to England 4 years later. He shows up in New England om 1632 and is found at Dartmouth, MA twenty years later.

Edward was an inhabitant of Marblehead in 1674.

Ezekiel is first found at Dedham and Salem by 1637, Providence, R.I. a year later and Warwick, R.I. later.

Gabriel was the bother of the second Edward and resided in Marblehead in 1674.

John is at Dorchester in 1634.

Solomon was living at Newbury in 1694.

William was born at England in 1595 and came to Cambridge in 1635.

Holmes, Holme

David was at Dorchester in 1666.

Francis was a resident of Stamford, Conn. in 1648.

George came from Essex County, England to Roxbury, MA between 1635-1639.

John was at Plymouth in 1632.

John was born at England in 1644 before settling at Dorchester and Woodstock, Conn..

John was an inhabitant of Northampton, Mass. in 1678.

John is at Duxbury in 1661.

John resided at Roxbury in 1690.

Joseph was also living at Roxbury in 1651.

Joseph was a tailor at Boston in 1677.

Joshua was living at Westerly, R.I. in 1678.

Josiah is seen at Duxbury in 1666.

Nathaniel was married at Plymouth in 1667.

Obadiah was of the clergy who came from Preston, Lancashire, England to Salem in 1639.He then went to Rehoboth, MA, Newport, R.I. and New Jersey by 1664.

Richard was born at England in 1610 before settling at Rowley by 1643.

Richard was at Norwalk, Conn. in 1654.

Robert was a freeman at Cambridge in 1636.

Robert was at Newbury in 1669.

Robert was a resident of Stonington, Conn. in 1670.

Samuel was living at Rehoboth pre-1674.

Thomas was born in London in 1625. He first went to Virginia, then New York by 1665 before settling at New London, Conn. later.

William was born near Holme, East Riding, Yorkshire, England in 1592 before coming to New England by 1636. He is found at Scituate the same year and Conihasset ten years later before removing to Marshfield, Mass. later.

William was at Plymouth in 1632, went back to England and returned, dying in 1649 but leaving no issue.


Nicholas was a tanner from Romsey, Hants, England. He is seen at Boston in 1635, Newbury within a year and Andover by 1644.

William was at New Haven in 1643.

Holton, Holten

John was a freeman at Dedham in 1671.

Nathaniel was at Salem in 1668.

Thomas was of Northampton and was killed there on March 14, 1676 during the great Indian War.

Robert was a slater at Boston in 1634.

William was born at Ipswich, England in 1611 and settled at Cambridge with Thomas Hooker's group. He then went to Hartford, Conn, and returned to England for 3 years before being seen at Northampton, MA pre-1663.

Early woodcut of a colonial post rider


Edward was a clergyman who was born at Tamworth, Stafford, England and is seen at Lynn in 1639. He is then seen at Rumney Marsh, Chelsea, MA later.

Homan, Homans

Edward was at Marblehead in 1674.

John lived at Salem in 1668.


Michael was the son of Edward and lived at Ettingshall, Bilston, Stafford, England before living at Boston in 1676.


John was a weaver who was born in England in 1600 to John, of Halstead, Essex, England. He settled at Cambridge in 1638, Lynn and Kittery, Maine by 1652.

Richard came from Lynn, Regis, Norfolk, England to Lynn, MA in 1650.


Francis was the son of Humphrey of Bristol, England and is found at Boston in 1660 before removing to Kittery, Maine by 1666.

John was a Mayflower passenger but died without issue shortly after arriving.

William was a clergyman who was born at Hants, England. He is found at Taunton in 1639, new Haven by 1644 but returned to England, leaving no issue in New England. He is thought to have had children in England.

William was the brother of Francis who lived at York, Maine in 1633.


Nicholas lived at Charlestown in 1678.

Thomas was a clergyman, son of Thomas of Devonshire, England and grandson of John. He was born at Marshfield, Leicestershire, England in 1586 and came to Boston in 1633. He settled at Cambridge in 1636 and Hartford, Conn. later.


George was a mariner at Boston in 1674.

John, brother of George, was at Marblehead in 1674.

John resided at Marblehead in 1691.

Richard was a surgeon at Hampton, N.H. and Watertown, Mass. pre-1684.

Robert was teh brother of the second John who was born in 1607 at England. He is seen at Marblehead in 1663.

Samuel was at Marblehead in 1694.

William was born in 1617 at London and came in 1635, residing at Reading, MA by 1660.


Thomas was at Fairfield, Conn. in 1670.

An advertisement from the Boston Evening Post, May 9, 1774


Edward was a merchant at Boston and Hartford, Conn. in 1637 He then returned to England by 1652 but left no issue here in N.E..

John was at Cambridge in 1634 and Hartford, Conn. in 1636.

Samuel lived at Milford, Conn. in 1658 and New Haven by 1667.

Stephen was a Mayflower passenger.

Thomas was  the son of William and born at Chelseibourne, England in 1616.He is found at Providence, R.I. by 1640 and Oyster Boy, Long Island by 1677.

William was at Stratford, Conn. in 1640.

William was an inhabitant of Roxbury in 1660.


Michael was born at England in 1610 before removing to Boston in 1635 and Rowley five years later.


Daniel was a freeman at New Haven, Conn. in 1654.


Stephen lived in Dorchester in 1653 and later at Roxbury.

Horn, Horne

John was born at England in 1603 and came with Winthrop's Fleet in 1630. He is found at Salem in 1631 and Dover, N.H. in 1659.

William was at Dover, 1659.


Ephraim was an inhabitant of Rehoboth pre-1684.

Horsely, Horsly

James was a resident of Newton, MA.


Barnabas resided at Hampton, 1640 and in 1662, is seen at Southold, Long Island in 1662.

Benjamin was the brother of Barnabas and is seen at Hampton, N.H> in 1640.

Caleb, brother of  the p[receding, is seen at Hampton, N.H. in 1640.

John was a freeman at Guilford, Conn. in 1669.

Joseph was also a brother of Barnabas and is at Southhold, L.I. in 1662, then at Conn. later.

Thomas was born in 1620 and moved to Charlestown in 1655, Milton, MA pre-1669 and Charlestown later.

Thomas resided at Windsor, Conn. and moved to Springfield, MA by 1638. He died in 1641.

Hosford, Horsford

William was a clergyman and was born in England before settling at Dorchester in 1630. He then went to Windsor, Conn. in 1636, Springfield, MA by 1652 and returned to England in 1656.He returned to new England with a son named John.


Samuel went to Watertown in 1639 and died without issue in 1656.


James was born at England in 1607 and came to Cambridge in 1635.He then is seen at Concord and Hartford, Conn. a year later.

Thomas was a brother to James and was at Cambridge in 1635 before going to Hartford, Conn and Northampton, MA later.


Daniel resided at new Haven in 1688.

Joshua is at New Haven in 1677.

Samuel was born at Essex, England and is seen at New Haven by 1641.

Houchin, Houtchin

Jeremy was a tanner at Dorchester, MA and Boston by 1640.

Robert was living at Newport, R.I. in 1666.


Atherton was the mayor of Boston, Lincoln, England in 1628 before coming to Boston, MA in 1634, where he died in 1646.

William was a housewright and son of Edward. He was born at Cheshire, England and came to Gloucester, MA in 1640. He moved to Saybrook, Conn and died at New London in 1670.


John was born at Eaton Bray, Lancashire, England in 1620, the son of John. He came to N.E. between 1646-1650 and lied at Dedham pre-1652, where is is found at Lancaster, MA..

John lived at Woburn pre-1676.

Ralph was a cousin to the first John and lived at Lancaster in 1654.

William was a butcher who was born near London in 1613 before residing at Connecticut.


Edward was at Scarborough, Maine in 1676.


Samuel was at Scituate in 1635 and Cambridge later.

Walter lived at new London and died there in 1670.


Peter resided at Casco,  Maine between 1666-1673.


Joseph was at Rowley in 1691.


Daniel was born in 1618 England and came to Ipswich, MA in 1635. He then moved to Brookfield, MA in 1668, Hadley, MA and back to Ipswich, where he died in 1692.

Thomas inhabited Hadley in 1677.


Edward was at Boston in 1661.

Henry was at Hartford and Wethersfield, Conn. by 1648.

James came to Charlestown in 1634.

John resided at Dedham in 1636.

John was a carpenter who came with Capt. Standish from England. He lived at Plymouth in 1635 at the age of 15 years and is later found at Bridgewater, Conn..

Jonathan was the brother of the preceding and is also at Bridgewater.

Nathaniel was from Suffolk, England and came to Dorchester, MA in 1643.

Nathaniel lived at Charlestown in 1666.

Robert was of Dorchester in 1639 but moved to Boston by 1668.

Samuel was at Malden in 1666.

Thomas was found at Lynn in 1667.

Thomas was an inhabitant of Norwich, Conn. in 1660.

Thomas was born at England in 1643 and is found at Lynn, MA and Enfield, Conn. later.

William was at Topsfield, MA in 1650.

William resided at Swanzey, MA in 1671.

William was at Malden in 1686.

William was the brother of Robert and born at England in 1609. He is found at Braintree in 1635, Salem and Boston by 1666.


Anthony was at Branford, Conn. in 1676, when he died.

Howe, How, Howes

Abraham was a freeman at Dorchester in 1636 and Roxbury two years later.

Abraham was at Watertown in 1658, Charlestown and Marlboro, MA by 1660.

Daniel lived at Lynn in 1630 and Southampton, L.I. ten years later.

Edward was a freeman at Watertown in 1634.

Edward was born at England before coming to Lynn. by 1660.

James, brother of the first Abraham, was born in 1606 at England and is seen at Roxbury in 1637 before moving to Ipswich in 1648.

John was the son of John of Warwickshire, England the the brother of the second Abraham. He is seen at Watertown, MA in 1638, Sudbury a year later and Marlboro, MA in 1657.

John was a resident of Yarmouth, MA in 1689.

Joseph was a cooper at Boston in 1657.

Nathaniel was at new Haven in 1660.

Samuel was a freeman at Yarmouth, MA in 1635.

Thomas was of Yarmouth in 1638.

William was living at Concord pre-1657.

Zechariah is seen at new Haven in 1660.


Edward was a freeman at Lyme in 1639 and a year later is at Southampton, L.I..

Morgan is at Cape Porpoise, Maine in 1636.

Howen, Howing, Howyn

Israel was a tailor at Cambridge early.

John was a shoemaker at Boston in the first half of the 1600s.

Robert was a cutler at Boston in 1639.


Arthur was at Marshfield pre-1643.

Henry was an inhabitant of Duxbury in 1633.

Jabez is seen at Duxbury pre-1669.

John was a Mayflower passenger.

Zoar was living at Newport, 1656.


John was a mariner at Boston and died there pre-1676.

Thomas came with Winthrop in 1630 and is at Ipswich in 1633.